среда, 12 июня 2013 г.

A(n) text/article/story review

I. Introduction (What type of writing/story  is  it?  What is the title of the story/text/article/extract ? Who is it written by? Is it easy / heavy reading?)
II. Setting (Where does  it  take  place?)
III. Characters (Who are  the  main/central  characters? good(hero)/ b ad)
IV. Subject/Plot (What is it about? What happens in  the  end?)
V. Opinion (Did you enjoy it? Why? How  would  you  describe  it? What did you especially like/dislike  about  it?)
VI. Recommendation (Do you recommend it? Would you recommend it to other people  to  read?)

I. I’ve  read  the story/text/article/extract  entitled   “ …  “ (and  written  by …)
II. The  scene  is  laid    in (place) , The  action  takes  place … (time)
III.The main characters are..,I would describe him/her as..,The way he/she act(s) shows that...
1.The  book (extract, passage, text, article)
… deals  with  a  (cluster of )problem(s) of…;           
 …touches  upon (eternal)  problems;
2.It  explores  the subject  never/rarely  previously  considered in depth, but  one  that is  essential  to  understand.
3.Special  attention  in  this  text/article  is  dedicated to …
4.The story is told from… point of view/is based on a true story/the author’s own experience.
5. There  are  some  details  in  the  text  which show  that…
6. I find  the  plot of  the story  simple/realistic/far-fetched…
V. 1. I hadn’t expected  that …, I find it difficult to believe that/surprising/incredible  that …
     2. The language  in the text  is quite (in)formal/bookish/rich in terms/close to the language of real  life … ; The author uses a lot of difficult  words
VI.I would  recommend it to everybody to read , It’s (not) (well)  worth  reading, I’m still  under  the  spell  of  the  book (под  впечатлением), to  find  the  story(thrilling; catching = absorbing;exciting; amusing; entertaining; humorous; funny; touching;  realistic = true  to  life; impressive; informative; instructive; (non)worth  reading; boring = dull;-sentimental)

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