Mass Media Minidialogues from BBC
In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the day. Back in those days, it was traditional for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children.
Travelling mini-dialogues practice from BBC
make a reservation for a room - забронировать гостиничный номер
booking confirmation - подтверждение бронирования
in advance - заранее
discount - скидка
hotel facilities - комплекс услуг, которые предлагает гостиница (например, бассейн, салон-парикмахерская, фитнес-зал и т.д.)
The rate includes sauna, gym, parking, safe deposit box. - B стоимость включено: посещение сауны, спортивного зала, парковка автомобиля на территории отеля, возможность пользоваться сейфом для хранения ценностей.
check-in time - час, с наступлением которого возможно заселение в номер (устанавливается администрацией гостиницы)
check-out time - час, до которого необходимо освободить номер в день отъезда (в большинстве гостиниц - 12:00)
VAT - сокр. от value added tax - налог на добавленную стоимость
pay for services - оплатить услуги
payment in local currency - оплата в местной валюте
pay cash - расплатиться наличными
cater - обслуживать
available - имеющийся в наличии
At the moment there are no rooms available. - В данный момент свободных номеров нет.
Гостиничные номера:
single room
- одноместный номер
twin room
- двухместный номер с двумя кроватями
double room
- двухместный номер с одной двуспальной кроватью
Категории номеров (по комфортности):
Standard room
- стандартный номер
Superior room
- номер повышенной комфортности
Junior suite room
- номер "полулюкс"
Suite room
- номер "люкс"
Классификация проживания по типу питания:
- bed and breakfast - питание: завтрак
- half board - полупансион (как правило, завтрак и ужин)
- full board - трехразовое питание
All Inclusive
- питание по программе "все включено"
А теперь представьте, что ваш босс собрался в командировку. Вам нужно отправить заявку на бронирование гостиничного номера.
Возникает вопрос: какую информацию включить в такое письмо и как все правильно сформулировать по-английски?
Наш образец заявки на бронирование поможет вам научиться составлять подобные деловые письма:
2 Rue Durantin
75012 Paris
Fax 33 1 46 06 09 108
19th April, 2004
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Could you please make a reservation for 1 single room in the name of Mr Anthony Heard.
Mr Heard is arriving on 3rd May
and departing on 6th May.
Payment will be made by occupant via his credit card VISA.
I would be grateful if you could fax me booking confirmation.
Thank you very much for your help in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Thompson
Business Organiser
Intermedia Co. Ltd
Contact telephone: 007 095 7288980
Fax 007 095 9534206
А вот как выглядит подтверждение бронирования гостиничного номера :
To: Mr Andrew Thompson
Fax 007 095 9534206
Thank you for choosing our hotel. We are delighted to confirm your reservation details as follows:
Confirmation No: 22674
Name: Mr Anthony Heard
Arrival: 03 May 2004
Departure: 06 May 2004
Room type: single standard
Daily rate: 80 euros (VAT included)
Account can be settled by credit cards VISA, MASTER, DINERS.
Payment in cash in euros only.
We look forward to meeting you at our hotel.
Yours sincerely,
Jean Picker
2 Rue Durantin 75012 Paris
И, наконец, диалоги, которые являются примерами общения
персонала отеля с клиентами. Они также помогут вам в изучении грамматики
и лексики по данной теме.
Диалог 1 :
After a long journey from Heathrow, John finally arrives at his hotel in King's Cross. He goes to the reception area to check in.
Receptionist: Hello. Can I help you?
John: Yeah hi, I've got a reservation. My name is John Ashley.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. You booked a shared room for one week?
John: Yes, a shared room, but perhaps I'll stay longer.
Receptionist: OK, but let us know as soon as you decide?
John: Yes, of course. How much is that?
Receptionist: It's 18.50 GBP for a shared room. Can I see your passport?
John: Here you are.
Диалог 2 :
John is checking in at his hotel in King's Cross. He asks the receptionist some questions about the hotel.
Receptionist: Here is your room key, it's number 13, on the first floor.
John: Is there a lift? My case is very heavy!
Receptionist: Yes, it's over there.
John: Oh one other thing, is there somewhere I can put my valuables?
Receptionist: Yes, we have lockers available, they cost two pounds a day.
John: OK. And the hotel is open all night?
Receptionist: Yes, of course, we have 24 hour reception.
John: OK, I think that's everything, thanks.
Paralinguistic Communication Skills
What is paralinguistic communication skills? Does it help one become an effective English speaker? Read this post to find out.^^
“If you really don’t love me anymore, look me in the eyes and say it!”
Sounds familiar?^^ Many romantic movies and TV sitcoms have that kind of line. So, why is the person forced to look into the other’s eyes and say he/she doesn’t love him/her anymore? Why not just say it? What is the need for the eye contact thing? It’s because words don’t say it all.
Interviewing applicants is a part of my job. When I talk to them, I don’t just listen to what they have to say, I observe the manner in which they say it. I look into their eyes, I observe their gestures and mannerisms, their sitting position, everything, because those paralinguistic cues reveal more information about them than what they are saying.
To become an effective speaker, we must be able to use these paralinguistic cues for us, not against us. Whether we are going to have a job interview or deliver a speech or just plainly talk to someone we hardly know, knowledge of paralinguistic cues is an effective way of making them see what we just want them to see.
In job interviews for example, it’s just natural for applicants to be nervous. Some people unconsciously reveal their nervousness either by having too many hand gestures or being to stiff. Knowing this, we can avoid making those unnecessary movements or being dead stiff.
Also, when people talk about their knowledge and abilities, they tend to look down or look in different directions, either to avoid the interviewer’s gaze, out of shyness or to think of answers. Whatever the case may be, it shows lack of confidence and sincerity, so the interviewees ought to meet the interviewer’s gaze. (however, this depends on the culture of both). In some cultures, looking into the interviewer’s eyes is considered impolite.
One’s sitting position should also be taken into consideration. Slouching would of course reveal an overconfident personality. One should sit upright near the edge of the seat to show attentiveness in interviews.
Формулы Общения
Translate the dialogues into English :
I A: Что ты скажешь на то,чтобы сходить в Русский музей завтра?
A: Я предлагаю встретиться у входа часов в 10.
B: Хорошая мысль, но в 10 я занят(а). И вообще у меня утром мало времени.
A:Может быть как-нибудь в другой день.
II A:Ты когда-нибудь думал(а) о том, чтобы заняться английским ?
B:Да, я не прочь.
A:На самом деле я думаю у тебя хорошо с иностранными языками, а английский язык - один из самых необходимых сейчас.
B:Конечно, я думаю, он будет нужен мне в моей будущей профессии.
A:Да? И чем ты хотел(а) бы заниматься?
B:Я собираюсь быть переводчиком.
III A:Обязательно посмотри "Лебединое озеро" в Мариинском театре.
B:Я подумаю об этом, хотя это не совсем моё.
A:Странно! Я думал(а) балет любят все. А какие спектакли ты предпочитаешь?
B:Ну, может быть, я бы послушал(а) оперу.
Видеоурок Advise vs Recommend vs Suggest
Soap operas
Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK. But what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the most-watched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually on at least four times every week. They are dramas based in one neighbourhood that try to depict ordinary life in the UK - we call these dramas 'soap operas' or 'soaps'.In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the day. Back in those days, it was traditional for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children.
Съемки телесериала
У британских "мыльных опер" по-прежнему многомиллионная аудитория
Most of these daytime dramas were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably doing the washing. Companies selling washing powder would advertise their products at times when these dramas were on, and sometimes those companies would even sponsor the drama. Hence the word 'soap'.
So what about the word opera? Well, that's because these dramas are often an exaggeration of real life. They are supposed to represent ordinary lives but, to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events, like murders, divorces, affairs etc., all happen probably much more regularly than they would in a normal neighbourhood.
Most soap operas these days are shown in the evening. Each show will have several different storylines happening at once that continue over several shows. The same cast members will appear in every show, too.
There are lots of different soaps on in the UK on different channels but there are three main popular ones. 'Coronation Street' has been on since 1960. It is set in a suburb of Manchester and it's supposed to represent working class life in the north of England. Then there's 'Eastenders' which started in 1985, set in the East End of London, and 'Emmerdale', which is set on a farm in Yorkshire, in the north of England.
The BBC even has a soap opera to help you learn English - so if you want to experience one of these dramas in English, 'The Flatmates' would be a good place to start - go to
pastime - времяпрепровождение
neighbourhood - районе или квартале
to depict - отображать
housewives - домохозяек
washing powder - стиральный порошок
would advertise - зд. часто рекламировали
would sponsor - зд. нередко финансировали
hence the word 'soap' - отсюда слово "мыльные" ("оперы")
exaggeration - сгущение красок
affairs - любовные связи/романы
at once - одновременно, сразу
cast members - актеры
it is set - зд. действие фильма происходит
it's supposed to represent - он должен показывать
Hotel customer service vocabulary
Начинаем прямо сейчас! Вот вам словечки и фразы, которые нужно знать персоналу отеля, чтобы уметь общаться с иностранным клиентом:make a reservation for a room - забронировать гостиничный номер
booking confirmation - подтверждение бронирования
in advance - заранее
discount - скидка
hotel facilities - комплекс услуг, которые предлагает гостиница (например, бассейн, салон-парикмахерская, фитнес-зал и т.д.)
The rate includes sauna, gym, parking, safe deposit box. - B стоимость включено: посещение сауны, спортивного зала, парковка автомобиля на территории отеля, возможность пользоваться сейфом для хранения ценностей.
check-in time - час, с наступлением которого возможно заселение в номер (устанавливается администрацией гостиницы)
check-out time - час, до которого необходимо освободить номер в день отъезда (в большинстве гостиниц - 12:00)
VAT - сокр. от value added tax - налог на добавленную стоимость
pay for services - оплатить услуги
payment in local currency - оплата в местной валюте
pay cash - расплатиться наличными
cater - обслуживать
available - имеющийся в наличии
At the moment there are no rooms available. - В данный момент свободных номеров нет.
Гостиничные номера:
Категории номеров (по комфортности):
Классификация проживания по типу питания:
Возникает вопрос: какую информацию включить в такое письмо и как все правильно сформулировать по-английски?
Наш образец заявки на бронирование поможет вам научиться составлять подобные деловые письма:
2 Rue Durantin
75012 Paris
Fax 33 1 46 06 09 108
19th April, 2004
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Could you please make a reservation for 1 single room in the name of Mr Anthony Heard.
Mr Heard is arriving on 3rd May
and departing on 6th May.
Payment will be made by occupant via his credit card VISA.
I would be grateful if you could fax me booking confirmation.
Thank you very much for your help in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Thompson
Business Organiser
Intermedia Co. Ltd
Contact telephone: 007 095 7288980
Fax 007 095 9534206
А вот как выглядит подтверждение бронирования гостиничного номера :
To: Mr Andrew Thompson
Fax 007 095 9534206
Thank you for choosing our hotel. We are delighted to confirm your reservation details as follows:
Confirmation No: 22674
Name: Mr Anthony Heard
Arrival: 03 May 2004
Departure: 06 May 2004
Room type: single standard
Daily rate: 80 euros (VAT included)
Account can be settled by credit cards VISA, MASTER, DINERS.
Payment in cash in euros only.
We look forward to meeting you at our hotel.
Yours sincerely,
Jean Picker
2 Rue Durantin 75012 Paris
Диалог 1 :
After a long journey from Heathrow, John finally arrives at his hotel in King's Cross. He goes to the reception area to check in.
Receptionist: Hello. Can I help you?
John: Yeah hi, I've got a reservation. My name is John Ashley.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. You booked a shared room for one week?
John: Yes, a shared room, but perhaps I'll stay longer.
Receptionist: OK, but let us know as soon as you decide?
John: Yes, of course. How much is that?
Receptionist: It's 18.50 GBP for a shared room. Can I see your passport?
John: Here you are.
Диалог 2 :
John is checking in at his hotel in King's Cross. He asks the receptionist some questions about the hotel.
Receptionist: Here is your room key, it's number 13, on the first floor.
John: Is there a lift? My case is very heavy!
Receptionist: Yes, it's over there.
John: Oh one other thing, is there somewhere I can put my valuables?
Receptionist: Yes, we have lockers available, they cost two pounds a day.
John: OK. And the hotel is open all night?
Receptionist: Yes, of course, we have 24 hour reception.
John: OK, I think that's everything, thanks.
Paralinguistic Communication Skills

“If you really don’t love me anymore, look me in the eyes and say it!”
Sounds familiar?^^ Many romantic movies and TV sitcoms have that kind of line. So, why is the person forced to look into the other’s eyes and say he/she doesn’t love him/her anymore? Why not just say it? What is the need for the eye contact thing? It’s because words don’t say it all.
Interviewing applicants is a part of my job. When I talk to them, I don’t just listen to what they have to say, I observe the manner in which they say it. I look into their eyes, I observe their gestures and mannerisms, their sitting position, everything, because those paralinguistic cues reveal more information about them than what they are saying.
To become an effective speaker, we must be able to use these paralinguistic cues for us, not against us. Whether we are going to have a job interview or deliver a speech or just plainly talk to someone we hardly know, knowledge of paralinguistic cues is an effective way of making them see what we just want them to see.
In job interviews for example, it’s just natural for applicants to be nervous. Some people unconsciously reveal their nervousness either by having too many hand gestures or being to stiff. Knowing this, we can avoid making those unnecessary movements or being dead stiff.
Also, when people talk about their knowledge and abilities, they tend to look down or look in different directions, either to avoid the interviewer’s gaze, out of shyness or to think of answers. Whatever the case may be, it shows lack of confidence and sincerity, so the interviewees ought to meet the interviewer’s gaze. (however, this depends on the culture of both). In some cultures, looking into the interviewer’s eyes is considered impolite.
One’s sitting position should also be taken into consideration. Slouching would of course reveal an overconfident personality. One should sit upright near the edge of the seat to show attentiveness in interviews.
Формулы Общения
Offering a suggestion
+/- Reaction
If I were you, I’d (do it)
На Вашем месте я бы...
Yes,I don’t mind
Да, я не против / возражаю.
Why don’t you (do it) ?
Почему бы Вам не (сделать)...?
Most willingly!
Have you (ever) thought of (doing it) ?
Вы когда-нибудь думали о том, чтобы...
That’s a good idea!
Хорошая идея!
Try (to do it).
Попробуйте (сделать что-то)
I’d love it!
С удовольствием!
Perhaps you could (do it).
Может быть Вы смогли бы...
I’ll think about it!
Я подумаю об этом!
Why not (do it)?
Почему бы не ..?
That’s all right with me.
Мне это подходит!
It might be a good idea (to do it).
Была бы неплохая идея сделать (что-то)
That suits me very well.
Мне это подходит.
Would you care (to do it)?
Не хотите ли...?
| ||
What do you say to (doing it) ?
Что Вы скажите на то, чтобы...
I’m afraid I can’t.
Боюсь, что не смогу
I suggerst that you (should)(do it)
Я предлагаю /Тебе следует...
It’s a very good idea, but...
Хорошая идея, но ...
I strongly advise you (to do it)
Я настоятельно тебе советую...
Sorry. It’s not in my line
Извините, это мне не подходит.
You really must (do it)
Вам действительно нужно ...
It's not my cup of tea.
Это не для меня.
Be sure (to do it)
Обязательно (сделайте)....
| ||
You’d better (to do it)
Вам бы лучше...
Translate the dialogues into English :
I A: Что ты скажешь на то,чтобы сходить в Русский музей завтра?
A: Я предлагаю встретиться у входа часов в 10.
B: Хорошая мысль, но в 10 я занят(а). И вообще у меня утром мало времени.
A:Может быть как-нибудь в другой день.
II A:Ты когда-нибудь думал(а) о том, чтобы заняться английским ?
B:Да, я не прочь.
A:На самом деле я думаю у тебя хорошо с иностранными языками, а английский язык - один из самых необходимых сейчас.
B:Конечно, я думаю, он будет нужен мне в моей будущей профессии.
A:Да? И чем ты хотел(а) бы заниматься?
B:Я собираюсь быть переводчиком.
III A:Обязательно посмотри "Лебединое озеро" в Мариинском театре.
B:Я подумаю об этом, хотя это не совсем моё.
A:Странно! Я думал(а) балет любят все. А какие спектакли ты предпочитаешь?
B:Ну, может быть, я бы послушал(а) оперу.
Видеоурок Advise vs Recommend vs Suggest
Вводные фразы
Disagreeing and Changing the topic
Responding to what someone says / Agreeing
You know that reminds me of …
By the way …
Nothing of the kind…
Speaking about …
I think / remember of …
When I say … I (can) imagine…
If you asked me about it, I would say that..
I have my own idea on the subject.
My idea of (a) good … is …
I’m inclined to think that…
I tend to think that …
I’d rather think …
Personally (speaking), …
I’m sure / certain / convinced that …
I really /definitely do think that…
As far as I’m concerned …
That’s the way I see it.
As I see it …
As for me, I’d say that…
As far as I can judge …
One the one hand … on the other hand
Really ?
Year, I know/see what you mean, (but) …
It goes without saying
That’s right (but)…
That’s evident
Exactly! Absolutely!
That’s just what I think /was going to say
You may be right,(but) …
Looks like that.
To a large extent you’re right, (but) …
I agree with you to a certain extent,(but) ...
Up to a point I’d agree with you,(but) …
I take your point, (but) ….
I appreciate your point of view, (but) …
You could be right, (but) …
That’s an interesting idea,(but) …
Expressing incredulity:
Oh, come on!
You must be joking / kidding !
I find it very hard to believe.
Do you really mean to say that …?